Bring Your Words to Life: Unleash Your Creativity with Bing Image Creator

Microsoft seems to be in full action and hitting hard on its competitors with the hammer of AI. We are hearing lots of new launches, exciting features in existing products and innovations from Microsoft consistently for the last few weeks. Microsoft is getting lot of attention from the end users and the whole industry is surprised to see the speed of Microsoft in delivering tons of AI tools and integration to boost productivity at all levels in all the products.

We have seen new AI-powered Bing and Microsoft Edge last month, which offers superior search results, comprehensive answers a novel chat interface, and an innovative content creation feature. We have also seen how Microsoft search volume is increasing consistently and Bing has crossed 100 million daily active users milestone.

To keep the momentum, Microsoft has now announced the latest addition to the new Bing's chat experience "Bing Image Creator" - a visual enhancement that takes it to the next level. With Bing Image Creator, new AI-driven visual Stories, and updated Knowledge Cards are available to Bing and Edge preview. Bing Image Creator is powered by OpenAI technology with an advanced version of the DALL∙E model, enabling you to create an image by merely using descriptive language to convey the picture you have in mind. This integration allows you to produce both written and visual content within a single platform - right within your chat.

Bing Image Creator OpenAI

If you're using the Bing preview, Bing Image Creator will be seamlessly integrated into your chat experience, starting with the Creative mode. By entering a description of an image, adding contextual details like location or activity, and selecting an art style, Image Creator will bring your imagination to life with a generated image. You can think of it as your personal creative assistant.

Bing Preview Image Creator

In addition to the Bing preview, the Bing Image Creator preview is also accessible through Microsoft Edge, making it the only browser with a built-in AI-based image generator. To use Bing Image Creator within Edge, click on the Bing Image Creator icon in the sidebar, or initiate the feature directly from Bing chat within Edge.

Microsoft Edge - Image Creator

AI powered Visual Stories and Knowledge Cards 2.0 are now accessible to all Bing users keeping in mind the growing requests from users for more visual search. Stories offers an engaging way to search and interact with content by incorporating images and brief videos. Similarly, Knowledge Cards 2.0 offers an AI-driven infographic-inspired experience that presents key information and fun facts at a glance. It has been updated to include interactive and dynamic content, such as charts, timelines, visual stories, and more.

Starting today, Bing Image Creator is available on both Bing Chat as well as in Microsoft edge. You can read more about this announcement from Microsoft's blog page. Bing is committed to providing immersive experiences within Bing, and Edge that make browsing the web more enjoyable, informative, and exciting. As Bing and Edge continue to roll out more updates, users can expect even more innovative features and immersive experiences.

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