Unleash Your Inner Musician: Google's MusicLM AI Tool is Now Available for Testing

During Google IO 2023 on May 10th, Google shared some exciting news about an experimental AI tool called MusicLM. Originally announced in January of this year, MusicLM is a unique tool that turns your text descriptions into music. Now, the tool is available to try in the AI Test Kitchen on the web, Android or iOS.

MusicLM Now available to try from Google, annoucement in Google IO

If you're interested in testing MusicLM, all you have to do is type in a prompt like “soft instrumental for a casual dine” and the tool will create two versions of the song for you. After listening to both, you can give a trophy to the track that you like better, which will help improve the model.

It's important to note that MusicLM is an experimental tool, meaning that it's not a finished product and is still undergoing development. However, if you're a musician or someone who just loves to experiment with music, MusicLM could be an exciting new tool to add to your arsenal.

MusicLM - experimental text-to-music from Google

Google has been working with musicians such as Dan Deacon to gather early feedback and host workshops to explore how MusicLM can empower the creative process. The company believes that responsible innovation doesn't happen in isolation, and that by collaborating with musicians and creators, they can create tools that are truly beneficial and inspiring.

How does MusicLM work?

MusicLM works by analyzing your text input and generating a musical composition that matches the mood, style, and genre of your description. You can also specify some parameters, such as tempo, key, and instruments, to customize your output. For example, you can type "a sad piano ballad about lost love" and MusicLM will create a melancholic melody with piano accompaniment. Or you can type "a cheerful rock song about celebrating life" and MusicLM will produce an upbeat tune with electric guitar and drums.

MusicLM can handle a variety of text inputs, from simple phrases to complex sentences. For example, you can type "a spooky Halloween song with organ and theremin" and MusicLM will generate a creepy composition with eerie sounds. Or you can type "a classical piece inspired by 'The Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh" and MusicLM will create a beautiful orchestral piece that reflects the colors and shapes of the painting.

What can you do with MusicLM?

MusicLM is a fun and creative way to express yourself through music. You can use it to:

  • Explore different musical genres and styles
  • Experiment with different moods and emotions
  • Inspire your writing or artistic projects
  • Create original music for your personal or professional use
  • Share your musical creations with others

MusicLM is an experimental tool that can help musicians, professionals or beginners, to express their creativity in a unique way. Although it's not a finished product, the tool is already showing promise and has the potential to revolutionize the way we create music. If you're interested in testing MusicLM and providing feedback to help improve the model, you can sign up to try it today on the web, Android or iOS. 

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