The Power of Messaging Systems in Distributed Computing: Architect Guide

Distributed computing is increasingly becoming the norm in today's world of software development. However, the complexity of such systems can be a challenge when it comes to communication between different parts of the system. Messaging systems offer a solution to this challenge by providing a reliable, scalable, and asynchronous way for different parts of a distributed system to communicate with each other. In today's article in Architect Guide, we will explore the power of messaging systems and how they can help improve the performance, reliability, and scalability of distributed systems.

Messaging Systems

Messaging systems, also known as message-oriented middleware (MOM), are a key component of modern distributed systems. They provide a reliable, scalable, and asynchronous way for different parts of a system to communicate with each other. Let's first explore the different types of messaging systems, their key features, and how they are used in practice.

Messaging Systems in Distributed Computing

Types of Messaging Systems

There are two main types of messaging systems: queuing systems and publish-subscribe systems.

Queuing systems, also known as point-to-point messaging, involve sending messages to a queue. Each message is delivered to exactly one consumer, and the message is removed from the queue once it has been consumed. Queuing systems are ideal for scenarios where messages need to be processed in a specific order or where each message must be consumed by only one consumer. Here are some example applications of queuing systems.
  1. Order processing: In an e-commerce platform, when a customer places an order, the order details are sent to a queue. The order processing system consumes messages from the queue and processes them in the order they were received. This ensures that orders are processed in the correct sequence and helps prevent errors.
  2. Task scheduling: In a distributed task scheduling system, tasks are submitted to a queue, and workers consume messages from the queue to perform the tasks. The queuing system ensures that each task is executed exactly once and in the order they were submitted.
  3. Logging: In a distributed logging system, log messages are sent to a queue by various components of the system. The log processing system consumes messages from the queue and stores them in a centralized log storage system. This ensures that log messages are not lost due to network or system failures and that they are processed in the order they were received.
  4. Email processing: In a system that sends emails, emails are sent to a queue, and the email processing system consumes messages from the queue to send the emails. The queuing system ensures that emails are sent in the order they were received and that no emails are lost due to system failures.
  5. Image processing: In a distributed image processing system, images are sent to a queue, and workers consume messages from the queue to process the images. The queuing system ensures that each image is processed exactly once and in the order they were submitted.
Publish-subscribe systems, also known as topic-based messaging, involve sending messages to a topic. Each message is delivered to all subscribers who are interested in that topic. Subscribers can receive messages in parallel, and messages are not removed from the system after they have been consumed. Publish-subscribe systems are ideal for scenarios where messages need to be broadcast to multiple consumers, or where consumers are only interested in a subset of messages. Here are some example applications of publish-subscribe systems.
  1. News feeds: In a news feed application, users subscribe to topics of interest such as sports, politics, or entertainment. When a new article is published on a topic, the publisher sends a message to the topic's subscribers. This ensures that users receive relevant news updates in real-time.
  2. IoT sensor data: In an IoT system, sensors publish data to topics, and subscribers consume messages from the topics. This enables real-time monitoring of sensor data and allows for quick identification of issues.
  3. Stock trading: In a stock trading application, subscribers can subscribe to topics related to specific stocks or sectors. When a relevant news article or event occurs, the publisher sends a message to the relevant topics, and subscribers can quickly react to the new information.
  4. Social media notifications: In a social media platform, users can subscribe to topics related to specific users, pages, or hashtags. When a new post or comment is made, the publisher sends a message to the relevant topics, and subscribers receive real-time notifications.
  5. Real-time messaging: In a messaging application, users can subscribe to topics related to specific conversations or groups. When a new message is sent, the publisher sends a message to the relevant topics, and subscribers receive real-time notifications.
In all of these applications, the use of a publish-subscribe system ensures real-time communication between different parts of the distributed system. This enables users to receive relevant updates in real-time and allows for quick reactions to new information.

Key Features of Messaging Systems

Messaging systems provide several key features that make them attractive for distributed systems:

Asynchronous messaging: 

In Asynchronous Messaging, messages can be sent and received without the sender and receiver having to be active at the same time. Consider a user placing an order on an e-commerce platform. When the user submits the order, the platform needs to perform various operations such as validating the order details, updating inventory, and charging the user's credit card. These operations can take varying amounts of time, depending on factors such as network latency, database load, and third-party service availability.

Asynchronous Messaging

To ensure a smooth user experience, it's important to minimize the time the user has to wait for the order to be processed. One way to do this is to use asynchronous messaging. Instead of processing the order synchronously, the e-commerce platform can send a message to a queue indicating that a new order has been placed. The order processing system can then consume messages from the queue and process them in the background.

Using asynchronous messaging ensures that the user doesn't have to wait for the order to be processed, and the e-commerce platform can scale the order processing system independently of the user-facing application. If any of the processing steps fail, the order can be retried without impacting the user experience.

Reliable delivery: 

Messages are guaranteed to be delivered, even in the face of failures or network issues. Consider a financial trading application where traders can buy and sell securities. When a trader places an order, it's important that the order is reliably delivered to the trading system, even in the presence of network failures or other issues. 

Reliable delivery in Messagins System

To ensure reliable message delivery, the trading system can use a reliable messaging system which provides features such as acknowledgments, message persistence, and retry mechanisms that ensure messages are reliably delivered to the trading system. 


Messaging systems can handle large volumes of messages and can scale horizontally by adding more nodes. Consider a social media platform where users can post updates and follow other users. When a user posts an update, the platform needs to deliver the update to all of the user's followers, which can be a large number of users. As the platform grows, it needs to be able to handle an increasing number of users and updates.

Scalability in Messaging Systems

To ensure scalability, the social media platform can use a publish-subscribe messaging pattern. When a user posts an update, the update is published to a topic in the messaging system. Each user who follows the user who posted the update is subscribed to the topic and receives the update. The messaging system can scale horizontally by adding more brokers or nodes to the cluster, allowing it to handle an increasing number of updates and subscribers.


Messaging systems allow different parts of a system to communicate without needing to know about each other's implementation details. Consider an e-commerce website where customers can place orders and receive notifications about the status of their orders. The website needs to be able to process orders and send notifications, but these two tasks have different processing requirements and may change independently of each other. To avoid coupling the order processing and notification systems, the website can use a message queue.

When a customer places an order, the order is added to a message queue. A separate system processes the orders in the queue, updating the order status and fulfilling the order. As the order is processed, notifications are sent to the customer through another message queue. This decouples the order processing and notification systems, allowing them to be updated and scaled independently.

Using a message queue to decouple the order processing and notification systems has several benefits. First, it allows each system to be updated and scaled independently. Second, it provides fault tolerance by buffering orders and notifications during downtime or other issues. Finally, it allows for asynchronous processing, which can improve system performance and scalability.

Message filtering: 

Subscribers can receive only the messages they are interested in, based on topic or content filtering. Consider a mobile app that allows users to receive notifications for different types of events, such as new messages, friend requests, and updates to their account. To allow users to customize their notifications, the app needs to be able to filter messages based on their content.

To enable message filtering, the app can use a message broker that supports message filtering based on message properties or content. When the app sends a message to the broker, it includes message properties that describe the content of the message, such as the type of event and the user ID. Users can then subscribe to specific topics or message queues based on these message properties to receive only the notifications they are interested in.

Message Filtering

For example, a user can subscribe to a message queue that filters messages based on the user ID, only receiving notifications that are relevant to their account. Similarly, a user can subscribe to a topic that filters messages based on the type of event, only receiving notifications for new messages and ignoring notifications for other events.

Using message filtering based on message properties or content allows the mobile app to provide customized notifications to its users, improving their experience with the app. It also allows the app to scale efficiently, as users can subscribe to only the notifications they are interested in, reducing the number of unnecessary notifications.

Using Messaging Systems in Practice

Messaging systems are widely used in modern distributed systems, including microservices architectures, event-driven architectures, and stream processing systems. Some popular messaging systems include Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Messaging Systems in Microservices

In microservices architectures, messaging systems are often used to enable asynchronous communication between services. Each service can produce and consume messages to communicate with other services, allowing for loose coupling and fault tolerance. In event-driven architectures, messaging systems are used to handle events, which represent important changes or occurrences in the system. Events can be produced by different parts of the system and consumed by interested parties, allowing for real-time processing and analysis of system events.


Messaging systems are a key component of modern distributed systems, providing reliable and scalable communication between different parts of a system. By using messaging systems, developers can build flexible and fault-tolerant systems that can handle large volumes of data and traffic.

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